Commonwealth Custodians
Monday Meeting

Every Monday night at 7:30pm till 9:00pm (Sydney time) we have a Video Presentation and Meeting on RingCentral.
These Meetings are on a Platform called RingCentral – which is a private encryped server
RingCentral App for PC, Mac, Android, iOS – Message, Video, Phone in one place.
The RingCentral app has got everything you need to stay connected: team messaging, video meetings and phone – all in one app.
Please first Download and Setup the RingCentral App from Here:
Note Mac and phone apps: Choose your Operating system from the Dropdown Box… 
Check your Mac’s compatibility
Before downloading the RingCentral app on your Mac computer, please first check which chip it has.
- Open the Apple menu at the top left corner of your screen
- Select About This Mac
- Look for the section titled Processor or Chip
- It will either say Intel or Apple M1
Monday Night meetings are for guests and new members to help you comprehend what Commonwealth Custodians is all about in regard to Coming out of the Corporate System and back into The Commonwealth, Lawfully, Rightfully and Peaceably.
We also have Thursday Nights Meetings for Members which are much more advanced and are about reclaiming and restoring our Original Commonwealth which has been usurped from we the people of The Commonwealth…
Please join Monday (7:30 pm Sydney Time) by using the button below or login to attend the Memberers only Thursday Night Meetings
Custodians is not about how to get out of speeding fines etc. or a get out of jail free card.
It is about how to free yourself from The Roman Cult System and how to bring your property with you back in to the Original Jurisdiction of The Commonwealth of Australia… it is a journey not a sprint.
“ Come out of her my people...” Rev. 18:4
We have a first four step guide of how to begin to free yourself from the Corporate (Globalist) System + others tools to use after that to further unbind yourself and your property.
It is all about knowing who you really are and where you stand, and learning how to do it lawfully, rightfully and peaceably, by knowing the truth and your rights.
It is time to organise and restore our Nation Lawfully, Rightfully and Peacefully.